Green algae: Charophytae

Life cycle of Spirogyra, Zygnema, Desmids

Enkele kenmerken van de Charofyten zijn de aanwezigheid van chlorofyl a en b, de afwezigheid van fycobiline, en het gebruik van zetmeel als reserveproduct. Verder ziet men in deze groep dat de microtubuli van het spoellichaam gedurende de telofase (eindfase) van de celdeling zoals bij landplanten een fragmoplast vormen. Deze fragmoplast (een verzameling microtubuli loodrecht op de as van de celdeling) is betrokken bij de vorming en positionering van de nieuwe celwand.

Spirogyra: life cycle

A diagram, micrographs and a full-resolution poster (>8000 pixels wide) of the sexual life cycle of Spirogyra
Life cycle of Spirogyra
life cycle of Spirogyra
life cycle of Spirogyra- stereo image
A Filament B Conjugating filaments C Scalariform (stairsteps-like) conjugation and transfer of cellular content from one to the other filament D Formation of zygotesConfocal laser scanning microscopy of Spirogyra. Anaglyph stereo projection (depth visible with red -green stereo glasses; here best with red right. Zoom view)
desmid: bright field fluorescence of chloropplast
Stained Spirogyra. View with 1 and 2 focusses on the central part of the cell, and view with 3 and 4 shows the cortical region of the same cell. 1 Cell wall (outer wall consisting of pectin and inner wall of cellulose), 2 nucleus, 3 chloroplasts (for photosynthesis), here arranged in a spiral-like oriented ribbon 4 pyrenoid (for starch synthesis)
Overlay of a bright field image and the autofluorescence signal of the chloroplast in a living Desmid
living desmid- fresh water
Living desmid from a fresh water pond (Guelder)

last modified: 29 Aug 2014